
Gorico Cyberops - Governance, Risk , Compliance, And Cybersecurity Op Erations Services



Telefon61 79 74 69
AdresseFriland 11, 8410 RøndePostadresseFriland 11, 8410 Rønde

Officiel virksomhedsinformation

Juridisk navnGORICO CyberOps - Governance, Risk, Compliance, and Cybersecurity Operations ServicesCVR-nr37434248CVRP-nr1030591859Startdato16.08.2024SelskabsformProduktionsenhedNACE-branche
620200 Konsulentbistand vedrørende informationsteknologi
620300 Computer facility management
620900 Anden it-servicevirksomhed
620100 Computerprogrammering
VirksomhedGORICO CyberOps - Governance, Risk, Compliance, and Cybersecurity Operations Services
Telefon61 79 74 69AdresseFriland 11, 8410 RøndePostadresseFriland 11, 8410 Rønde
Kilde: CVR/Virk

CRM integration

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