
Rahlff Copenhagen ApS

AdresseTullinsgade 7 2 tv, 1618 København V


AdresseTullinsgade 7 2 tv, 1618 København VPostadresseTullinsgade 7 2 tv, 1618 København V

Officiel virksomhedsinformation

The purpose of the company is to conduct business in trade and services, with a primary focus on sustainable design and full-circle sustainable business practices, without compromising on excellence. The company aims to integrate environmentally conscious strategies into its operations, providing products and services that adhere to the highest standards of sustainability. Additionally, the company seeks to foster innovation and creativity in the realm of sustainable design, contributing to a positive impact on both the environment and the community. All activities and ventures undertaken by the company shall align with its commitment to ecological responsibility and the pursuit of a full-circle approach to sustainable business.
Juridisk navnRahlff Copenhagen ApSCVR-nr44602377Startdato28.01.2024SelskabsformAnpartsselskabNACE-branche
741020 Kommunikationsdesign og grafisk design
DirektørJürgen Rahlff Lindner
AdresseTullinsgade 7 2 tv, 1618 København VPostadresseTullinsgade 7 2 tv, 1618 København VSelskabskapital40
Kilde: CVR/Virk


Kilde: CVR/Virk


Kilde: Proff

CRM integration

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