
Silentor A/S

AdresseSuderbovej 22, 9900 Frederikshavn

Silentor is a Danish based company developing, producing and marketing exhaust silencer solutions principally for diesel and gas engines. More than 50 years of research and development into silencing has created unique silencer principles. From being concentrated on research and development, Silentor’s focus is today widened to include an international commercialisation of its technology.

Widely ranging Portfolio
The widely ranging portfolio of applications includes power plants and generator sets, offshore platforme, ships of all sizes as well as land-based vehicles.

Customer in Focus
Whether the solution can be found in one of the standard designs or a completely tailor-made special silencer solution, the customer is in the centre and his requirement is the basis of our work.

Each of the three parameters; noise attenuation, back pressure, space – or a combination of them – can be optimised into silencers of almost any shape due to Silentors many different flow friendly components meeting the customers specific requirements.


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Årets resultat

Kilde: Årsrapporter, CVR/Virk

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Silentor A/S

CVR-nr 26940281

Årsrapport 01.01.2023 (PDF)

Periode: 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023

Årsrapport 01.01.2022 (PDF)

Periode: 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022

Årsrapport 01.01.2021 (PDF)

Periode: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021

Årsrapport 01.01.2020 (PDF)

Periode: 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2020

Årsrapport 01.01.2019 (PDF)

Periode: 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2019

Årsrapport 01.01.2018 (PDF)

Periode: 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2018


Silentor A/S

CVR-nr: 26940281

99,- kr ex.moms

Virksomhedsrapport med kreditvurdering, kreditmaksimum, antal kreditdage, advarsler og stamdata.

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Silentor A/S

CVR-nr: 26940281

99,- kr ex.moms

Virksomhedsrapport med kreditvurdering, kreditmaksimum, antal kreditdage, advarsler og stamdata.

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